Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break Fun!

So this whole long distance thing really sucks. Lucky for me my wonderful fiancé had spring break this past week and was able to come up and visit me for a whole 9 days! It was fantastic. And a HUGE thank you to my friends Sarah and Craig for letting Jon stay there for the week. They're so great.

Now for a recap of our week together. On Friday Jon's flight got in at 1:49 pm. I'm supposed to have class till 1:50 and so I was bad and ended up skipping it. Yep I'm a bad student... So I got to the airport and last semester I had gotten the idea to pick him up from the airport and make a sign the says, "I waited for you" and hold it wearing a wedding dress. This same friend who gave me the idea had a wedding dress (actually more like a white prom dress) that she used for the same thing when her home teacher asked her to pick him up from the airport awhile ago. What I was going for was the whole crazy Mormon girl that waited for her missionary and is ready to just get married. Now the trick was getting him to dress nice without it sounding fishy and luckily the day before he totally set me up. We were just talking and he mentioned something about me wearing a dress and I readily agreed and told him I would be wearing an awesome dress but he had to dress nice too. It was pretty funny just standing there as people walked by and stared at me. But boy was I nervous/excited to see him. And as soon as I saw him I think it took me all of two seconds before I ran and jumped on him.

He loved it :)

We did so much together this week. Friday night we went to lunch at the Res Iguana with some friends from Austin that now live in Salt Lake area. Saturday Jon was a good sport and spent all day at a guard competition with me. That night we went bowling. Jon is taking a bowling class and loves to bowl so he started to teach me how to throw a curve ball. It's pretty addicting. I don't even pay attention to my score anymore and I just try and focus on my technique. And Jon is an awesome teacher.

Sunday we went to church with Sarah and Craig and then had brunch with them afterwards. And then we took a nap. And don't worry we napped in separate beds. Man I can't wait till we can just sleep next to each other all the time. I just can't wait to wake up next to him everyday. Just had a nice and relaxing Sunday.

Monday I had class and then guard rehearsal and Jon just came along with me to rehearsal and just watched me do my thing. Then we just hung out at my apartment, made dinner and watched a movie I think.

Tuesday we went running in the morning and I totally kicked Jon's butt. Granted we was using some excuse are the dryer air and the altitude or something like that. I don't know what that was about lol. But really we both did really well running that morning. And maybe it helped a little so I only gained like 9 pounds instead of 10 this week. After we went running I had to study and take a test. I actually didn't end up getting a ton of studying done but I still had to take my test anyway. And then we had dinner at Sarah and Craig's and played scrabble. Really good game and Jon and I totally won! And then we went hot tubbing.

Wednesday I had class and rehearsal again and then Ashleigh came over to my apartment to meet Jon. And then we went to my Aunt Becky and Uncle Jimmy's house.

Thursday we had lunch with Ashleigh and then I had to go and take two tests and I had a paper due that evening. Stupid school keeping me from spending all the time that I want with my man. And we also watched the BYU game.

Friday after I got done with class we headed up to Jason and Kara's for dinner. On the way we had to stop in Salt Lake because I had forgotten to turn in an assignment and it was due at five so we stopped by to visit Jon's old boss and I emailed my assignment in. My Uncle Steve and Aunt Kim had driven all the way down from Boise for dinner so they could meet Jon which was awesome. They're always fun to have around. Slowly but surely Jon is meeting all my family. Kara was saying that he's lucky cause she had to meet everyone in the family at a wedding. But now Jon has meet all of my siblings and their spouses and children except for Joe who he'll meet after we've been married ten months and Joe gets home from his mission. But dinner went relaly well.

Saturday we went and spent the day in Salt Lake. Went and got chocolate at Hatch Family Chocolates and ended up seeing one of the little chocolatiers! And the chocolate was really yummy too. Expensive but I kinda expected that since they do have a tv show and are famous. And of course w went to temple square. We did a tour of the conference center. The girl that did our tour was really cute and kept on practicing her little presentation like we were nonmembers even though I had mentioned that I'm go to BYU and Jon had served a mission. And then when we got on the roof there was a couple that had just gotten engaged. It was cute. And we also walked around the temple and the visitor centers. In the south visitors center there's this cool new model of the temple that reminds me of a doll house that is cut out on one side so you can see the inside of it. I thought that was really cool. I'm soooo excited for when I finally get to go through the temple myself and then of course when I get to go in and get sealed to Jon for time and all eternity! I love my baby! We also drove by the two apartments that Jon used to live in. Boy do they look like crap holes. I just laughed and was like "you seriously lived there?" They looked bad from the outside. Apparently the inside of the one matches the outside but the other one was actually nicer on the inside than it looked. And then we went to eat at Tucanos. It was good but I would definitely suggest going for lunch instead of dinner though cause it's a better bang for your buck. But I would watch out cause it's like all they're trying to do is get people in and out of there. Literally thirty seconds after we stood up to leave they were already at our table and clearing it. I had barely just started to put my jacket on. And the waiter also forgot to bring Jon's debit card back with the receipts to sign so we had to go back late that night to get it since they aren't open on Sundays, it was almost midnight when we got back there to get it. And we also went bowling that night with Jessica and Tyson. That was pretty fun.

On top of the conference center

Today we played a game of Settlers and then went to sacrament with Jessica and Tyson. Then it was time for me to take Jon to the airport for him to go back to Texas. Definitely my least favorite part of the trip.

I know this is going to be the last time I'm apart from him and that it's only gonna be five weeks till I'm with him again but every time I have to say goodbye to him it just gets harder. I hate it so much. He started laughing at me though cause when we were saying goodbye at the airport I was hugging him and wouldn't let him go. Seriously don't do the long distance thing if you can avoid it. It's the absolute worst. I just wish he was here with me still. I got home and just slept cause I just didn't feel like doing anything else. And I was secretly hoping that I would wake up and our long distance would be all over. It didn't work. But I'm sooooooo close to being with him again and not having to do the long distance thing ever again. I'm just so ready to be married to him and get to see him everyday and just have to say goodnight and know I'm wake up and see him first thing in the morning.

But I should also mention how awesome Jon is. While I was in class and taking tests, Jon had to entertain himself. He did some bowling and took some naps but my wonderful fiancé also took the time to get the oil changed in my car and put rain x on Rona's window's. Makes the ride smoother and it is so much easier to see when its raining. I'm so extremely lucky to have a man who loves me so much and treats me so well.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh how he makes me happy...

So I was on facebook talking to Jon tonight and here is something he said that I just thought was really cute.

"I would have normally been unphased by you but that 4th dimension was envolved....the thing that love consists was just showing up more and more when i was around you
i was powerless to you"

This just reminded me of something you might read in a book. Definitely fit for two characters in love. :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

6 Days and counting!

OMG!!!!! I"m so excited to be going home in 6 days! Well technically it's a little more like 5 days and 12 hours till I land at the airport in Austin. I don't think anyone realizes how freaking excited I am! Well I guess Jon might. lol

So since I last posted I talked to Jon about everything that was on my mind. I feel tons better about everything and I pretty much figured that's how it would turn out. I mean Jon does love me more than anything in the world and he does his best to keep me happy. And happy he has made me. It's like his sole purpose in life is to make me happy and he does a fantastic job of it. He's so much more than I could hope for. Seriously. He's so good and puts up with me even when I get upset over silly things. And he's so great that he'll probably even put up with me when I jump on him at the airport and don't let go of him the entire week. Well I guess that last part he won't mind too much... lol And can I just say that I can't wait to kiss him? Cause I can't. Can't it just be Sunday already?

I'm so ready for Thanksgiving break. I'll get to eat lots of fantastic Thanksgiving food and gain ten pounds. Jon and I will actually be splitting Thanksgiving between my house and his. I've only ever spent Thanksgiving with my family and Ashleigh's family so this should be a fun new experience. I'm also excited cause I'm gonna go do some shopping too! I could use some new clothes cause I don't have too many that fit at the moment. I could definitely use some new jeans cause right now I have like one pair that really fits. The rest just fall off. Next week I'm also going to get a mani and pedi with Jon's sister Linda. I haven't gone that many times but I love getting my nails done! I just don't do it cause when I do guard my nails break like no bodies business anyway so what's the point? Jon's also taking me to the restaurant he works at. I've never been before but I hear El Arbol is supposed to be really nice. And what's super exciting is that I'll have new pictures of me and Jon after next week! We have a total of 11 of the two of us together right now. It's kind of pathetic. It needs to be fixed and fixed it will be. And plus I can never have too many pictures of that handsome man of mine.

So to sum of this post, Jon is amazing and loves me more than anything else in the world which is good cause I feel the same way about him. I get to see him in six days and can't wait! And Thanksgiving break is going to be amazing this year.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

81 down and 14 to go!

I haven't updated this thing in almost a year and I can't sleep so why not blog at 2 in the morning? I was tired earlier but I've just had so many things running through my head. Most of those thoughts have to do with Jon. That shouldn't be too surprising, considering I think about him every second of every day.
So Jon.... He's an absolutely wonderful man and I love him with all my heart. He is the best man I could ask for, but there is one huge down side, he lives 1243 miles away! I guess it is kind of my fault since I'm the one that left Texas to come to school in Utah, but either way long distance SUCKS! I would never ever suggest long distance to anyone. My heart has literally been ripped out of my body and is still residing back in Texas while the rest of me is here in Utah. As you can imagine, it's incredibly hard for me to function. I can never seem to concentrate on school. And it's not being helped by the fact that Provo is the engagement capital of the world! I'm surrounded by all these blissfully happy couples that are holding hands and kissing and other types of PDA and it's just not fair! And what makes it even worse is when I hear girls complain that their boyfriends are around them too much. Hey, at least he's here and you get to see him! Why do I have to be so far away from Jon? There have been a couple times when I've wondered if this whole getting an education thing is even worth being away from Jon. It is of course, but it's just so hard to concentrate on school, homework and tests when all I can think about is Jon.
I think one of the harder things, besides not actually being able to see the other person whenever I want, is having a boyfriend that doesn't even like talking on the phone. He talks on the phone with me of course because he loves me. We talk on the phone anywhere from 2 to four times a week, but I sometimes get that feeling that Jon would be totally fine if our relationship just consisted of texting and chatting on facebook. I on the other hand would not be able to handle that so of course we talk on the phone. I would probably go crazy if I didn't get to hear his voice(which is sexy according to my roommate Elicia lol) at least once every few days. And even though Jon doesn't agree, chatting on facebook or texting is not nearly the same as talking on the phone. There's just something about hearing his voice that is so much more reassuring. I think the biggest issue for me is that when I start talking to Jon I really don't ever want to get off the phone and so I end up keeping him on the phone longer than he actually wants and he is usually tired and just wants to go to sleep. You would think that I would be happy that I got my way and talked to him longer. False. Yeah I maybe happy during the time that we're actually on the phone, but then when we get off I feel guilty for keeping him up later and making him do something that he doesn't want to do. The difference in our phone conversation desires also makes me feel like I'm crazy and overly needy and I just hate feeling like that. On the other hand, if I didn't talk to him I wouldn't feel as close to him and I would probably actually go crazy. And plus I love hearing his laugh. It's sooooooo cute! That sound of disgust he sometimes makes is hilarious! lol I can't help but laugh just thinking about it right now. Then there's those butterflies I get whenever I hear him say, "I love you." And you just can't forget his voice itself. Elicia is right, my boyfriend has a sexy voice. Omg! I miss that man soooooo much! I know it's only two weeks till I get to see him but the closer it gets the more I miss him.

Well now it's on to the more vague portion of this blog post. I know I probably shouldn't even mention it but I just need somewhere to at least let some of these feelings known. So have you ever had an issue come up that you know you shouldn't worry yourself over at all? Well that's kind of where I'm at right now. Logically I think about the matter at hand and I know how the process of everything works so I shouldn't be bothered by this matter. It doesn't even really concern me in a sense. The problem here is that my heart just doesn't seem to agree with my brain on this. This is something I've known about for awhile now and when it has popped into my head it bothers me, but for the most part I just try not to think about it. Well these past few days I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I went to Smith's late tonight to get a pie for break the fast tomorrow after getting off the phone with Jon. It crept into my mind yet again and when I got back to my apartment I just sat in my car crying for about fifteen minutes. It's just a source of such emotional pain for me right now. I feel hurt, sadness, anger, resentment, and confusion all at the same time. It's just so freaking overwhelming at times! Most of what I feel is hurt and confusion. But then on top of it all I feel so incredibly guilty because this shouldn't be affecting me at all! I shouldn't be feeling this way! Can't someone just take these feelings away please! I know I should talk to Jon about all this and tell him how I feel but I feel so guilty that I just can't seem to. Talking to him last night there were a couple times when I could have said something but I just chickened out. But at least I know I'm not the only one to ever go through this. I went out to diner with a friend of mine the other night and she actually went through a similar situation and had some of the exact same feelings and thoughts as me. She suggested that I go talk to my bishop because that really helped her. I think I just might take her advice. The idea of talking to the bishop is a little scary since I don't really know him that well but I need to get over that and go talk to him. I need to just grow a pair and talk to Jon about it too but still don't think I can unless for some reason he brings it up.
To whomever might be reading this, I know you're probably curious as to what I'm talking about. If you want to ask, go ahead and ask me what I'm talking about because I won't mind because I'm a curious person myself and would want to know if I were you. Just don't expect for me to actually tell you because there are a very select few people who I will actually talk to this about. As of this moment, the friend I mentioned earlier is the only person that I've actually talked to about this. Just don't be hurt when I tell you I don't want to talk to you about it.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Break!

This break hasn't been very long at all. In no time at all I'll be headed back to Utah and that means school. I swear i just finished last semester and I'm already going back. I'm not even totally sure of which classes I'm taking. I'll figure it out though because I always do somehow. I just have to sign up for the rest of my classes. I think I'll end up just taking a bunch of classes for my major, so that means lots of homework.

This break has been pretty good. I got home at about 10 pm on Christmas Eve. I've been spending most of my time with family. I've especially enjoyed spending time with the niece and nephews. They use me like a human jungle gym and I'm ok with that cause they are just so dang cute! It's so crazy cause they have grown so much in the short time since I've seen them last. It makes be feel so old.

I know I just turned 22 at the beginning of the month, but I'm still starting to feel really old. I'm doing winterguard this year and this is the last year I can do it before I 'm too old. And one of my friends recently got married and I remember when I was graduating high school and she was still a mia maid in young womens. And a bunch of my other friends are getting married too and they're all younger than me too. So basically I feel old even though I'm young and in the prime of my life.

Well I think that's enough of my whining. Christmas break has been fabulous. So, till next time!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I feel like I'm just constantly tired. I'm exhausted as I'm typing right now. I really need to just shower and go to bed but I swear that I am incapable of making rational decisions and going to bed at a decent hour. And it doesn't help that all I can think about is that I have SIX straight hours of class tomorrow. I have so much homework all the time this semester. All the people that I talk to that have taken both chem 105 and physics 105 have told me I'm crazy for taking both of them this semester. And I have two test this week to and so many other things to do as well. I'm so eager for this week to be over.

Thanksgiving is just next week and I could not be more excited!!!!! And that means I can start listening to Christmas music very soon. I think I scared Kat today when I made that realization and got really excited. Granted it's not very hard to scare her. She jumps when someone knocks on the door.

Since I haven't been on here in a while I'll just do a quick highlights of my life.
  • Back at BYU
  • Decided to major in Exercise Science
  • I have 6 AMAZING Roommates!
  • My best friend is on a mission and I have some how figured out how to manage my own life without her.
  • After getting my bs the plan is to go on to study Physical Therapy
  • Still doing the colorguard thing
  • I'm serving on the service committee in my ward
  • I try to make it to the temple as often as I can which unfortunately isn't very often
  • Thanksgiving is next week!!!
  • 23 days till the last day of class and my 22nd birthday!
  • The fact that I'm generally surrounded by amazing people
Well it really is time for bed. Sweet dreams everyone!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Life is Good

I love life! I may not be going to school right now and am currently jobless but I'm loving life. I'm surprisingly content with life and I'm actually looking forward to going back to BYU in the fall. I'm actually not sure why me and BYU didn't get along in the first place. I think I'm more excited because I think I have found something that I might actually enjoy majoring in besides my unattainable dream of being a professional dancer. I haven't really looked into it much but I have discussed this with Ashleigh and we both think that I would be very wise to pursue physical therapy.

That brings me to another point. I'm going to miss Ashleigh so much!!!!! I'm so happy that she's going on a mission and i just know that she will love it so much but I'm selfish and I want her to stay just so I can talk to her everyday, or when I freak out and need my best friend to talk to. Noone else really understands the weird, crazy thoughts that run through my head that I just have to tell someone else. I'll live somehow. I did manage to survive life somehow for 18 years before I met her. And I guess letter writing will suffice.

Since this is a life is good post I guess I might as well make a list of things in my life that make me happy.
  • The gospel
  • Ashleigh
  • My other friends
  • My family
  • My boyfriend
  • Puppies
  • Shoes
  • Maybe finally deciding on a major
  • Flowers
  • Kisses from Tory
  • Hugs
  • Being healthy and free of sickness
  • and lots of other things